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13.5mm rounds, bamboo coral, 16 inch strand.

These pictures depict strands from the batch you are buying from. These strands are closely identical from stand to strand.

These rounds are stunningly rich in color and super smooth. The smooth surface of a coral bead can only be attained from cutting the center(core) of the branches of coral; the outer parts of coral has more pores and imperfections. Since rounds takes more material to make than any other shape, strands like these are highly sought after and its value will compound over time. These rounds are 13.5mm in diameter, very rare large size round beads for coral. Average gram weight per strand is 104.

These coral strands are made from bamboo coral. Natural bamboo coral colors range from light gray to tan, but it absorbs dye amazingly due to its porous nature. If this listing is not gray or tan, that means it has been dyed to the color that is displayed in the pictures. Be aware that NATURAL RED coral is illegal to import and export, meaning they are very expensive due to lack of availability. So if you have bought or planning to buy natural red coral, make sure you know your sources and not be conned into buying dyed bamboo coral at a much higher price tag.

