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4mm Chinese green rondelles, Mojave green turquoise from Anhui, 16 inch strand.

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Gorgeous shades of green. Rondelles go with any face-shape or neckline. The bright green looks good on any skin-tone. These strands contain some matrix a which are often preferred by many people for its added character. 

The green in turquoise is a result of either iron impurities (replacing aluminum) or dehydration.

This batch of turquoise is stabilized, but not dyed. Most turquoise needs some form of treatment due to its softness, and there are lots of different processes. There's a "clear-treat" in which acrylic resin is applied but no color is added, this batch reflects that treatment.

Further Details

  • Beads width: 4-4.2mm
  • Beads thickness: 2.5-3mm
  • Strand length: 16"
  • Strand weight: 9 grams
